Wednesday 11 September 2013


Done and dusted (expect and bit of undercoat and gloss on metal) ....just deciding on colour 


Done and dusted (expect and bit of undercoat and gloss on metal) ....just deciding on colour 

Nearly finished

Holes were drilled in wood and new bolts were bought. Tightened up the bolts and cut steel to length to hold bottom of chair together . Drilled new hole in steel. Bottled together . 

Job 3

Luckily the wood wasn't too rotten. After sanding a layer or 2 of wood stain was thrown on. Rust primer was layered onto steel


Next job was to clean everything down. Nitro moris was used to dissolve the old paint on steel and wood. When the paint was scraped off and cleaned, the wood was sanded and metal was steel brushed

Crack on

First job was to take everything apart, rusty bolts and nuts were not easiest to free but after some gentle persuasion it happened. Rotten pieces were cut away

Project 2 - covert garden bench

Bench found for free on . In pretty bad shape, rust, mould, rotten wood, it had it all